Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Perfect Xp Format CD [2011] v. 1 March 2011

Perfect Xp Format CD [2011] v. 1 March 2011
Size : 661 MB 
Visual and classic version is available as Multiboot menu with two different current Perfect XP Setup. Sata & Raid-integrated or Integration for each of the options available. XP Setup Hard Drive SATA & Raid-integrated parts of a blind and blue screens by Selecting the field. Or, in some cases, the exact opposite. Most desktop and laptop kurulamama issues, which can be viewed from the XP model will Greatly.
Within 60 seconds of the first selection in the menu, we need to do the rest automatically, the first known even after the your disc still starts again from the cd every resette based cdrom is received within 60 seconds, the installation will continue. any intervention from the HDD.
The classic version except the system with visual icons & images, there is no difference between. Is the same as all the technical features and themes, and so on.

Integrated & the updated components:
Directly integrated into the system, it may not listeliyorum is also called:
* * * * Windows XP Professional SP3 were used basis.
* * * * To all the February 2011 post-SP3 updates.
* The * full * Installation is automatic. We are a part, after 2 times and enter the Setup-C until the end, there is no need any processing. User name contains a separate user with admin rights will be created. You can change or add a new account etc then who. ...
* Internet Explorer 8 (Updates) has been integrated. And as there is basic settings.(Search engine and start Google)
* Media Player 11 includes the güncellemeriyle together.
* Macromedia Flash ActiveX (Internet Explorer) and added to the plugin (Mozilla etc ..). Latest version: 10.2
* Mouse cursors (cursor) has been added package.
* Vista / Windows Seven style sounds.
Various wallpapers and screen savers.
Copy Cart and other right-click * the * plug-ins.(The information folder on the desktop, the removable structure, description, XP)
* Required Basic was: Sfc, patch, patches, and Tcpip theme (100)
* Also with some basic usability and speed settings have been made for xp regedit.
They are directly integrated into his shout. Also in 13th Builds on the basic from many of the programs. min. These are the selected income you can choose the way you want but when it comes to the window within 30 seconds, or may not.
*.Net Framework, all in one (1.1 to 3.5 to the current framework package)
* Update to the DirectX 9.0 c
* Java 6 Update 4
* Extra themes: Theme 12 pieces (along with the various view options).
* Mozilla Firefox 4.0 EN
* The Foxit Reader 4.3.1 EN
* Winrar 4.0 EN
* Vista Drive Icon (Vista-style HDD on the occupancy rate shows Win7)
CCleaner 3:04 EN
* The KMPlayer 3.0 EN
* AIMP 3.0 EN
* Slim Drivers 2.0 (this will automatically download and install the program by all the other driverlarinizi)
* The 7zip 9.20 (Winrar alternative, more archive formats can)
* 2:01 Defraggler the (suggestion: after installation, and once a week for the speed of the disk defragment hdd layout &)
Screenshot: (less than 30 seconds, the selection will install all of them will shout the count is done backwards.)

Some Integrated Into Downloading / Drivers:
Over and over again without reading the PDFs as usual, Jobs shout, Just what I've written all the drivers are integrated packages. The Following are the integrated driver packages. Shortly , Except the video card and sound card packs was added to the basic packages. During the installation the CD as well as the size and purpose of the motherboard by installing the Internet, LAN and WLAN chipset driverlariinin to be instantly ready to break into business. Will be downloadable, so that the driver graphics and sound. The Board will be set up as a LAN, WLAN, Driver You do not need to investigate them for the current that the advent of the sound and graphics card is more tricky.
Locate and upload the pictures to your sound card, video card, and shout necessarily up-to-date.(Or 2.0 Drivers program that will take care of Slim) No sound after my screen is slow, though she comments. Laptop WLAN Chipset + LAN + 99% will get the install to the desktop. Driver. Setup from the drop-down and installed driver packages. After the others that are APPROPRIATE for your system and found to be deleted. (Opens to a folder on drive C, and at the end of Setup, called D, shouts are deleted, you can delete it manually Deleting.)

Less than 30 seconds back in the selection screen is counting) Storage: This package updates the most important feature of SATA storage devices, and drivers for the RAID setup completes the setup you selected Driver & sata & raid. (If you did shout shout select will be the problem) If you still see the hard disc and the installation started with a shout or blue screens from the beginning as an option in the sata / ahci in the bios, you simply need a setting, such as the ide / compability. You can also try the SATA & Raid sometimes Integration.
CPU-Processor: Downloading required for some AMD processors.
-Motherboard Chipset: Update your motherboard chipset (chipset) drivers. Motherboard not does contain audio or graphics that may be integrated into other chips, such as the!
LAN-Ethernet: Integrated Ethernet driver package. So you can exit right after the Internet.
WLAN-Wireless: Pack installs wireless LAN, or pci & usb devices with wireless laptops netem immediately goes on. enter.

NOTE: Some technical knowledge, and note Wanting to set up this brief ... The driver packages. The chart at the beginning of the Setup screen immediately (39 min screen) will come here directly from the screen, I chose a 30-second featured / Driver you can by removing only the packages that you do not want to or you kurmamasini Setup can not remove the front of the tics. The purpose of this selection screen in the future is for those who want to manually set up your own current drivers are, perhaps. By doing some extra hardware or rarely Downloading. While conflict of something happening to the blue screen officially Recognized In such cases, Setup restarts, and the Downloading is not selected. (All of them, or indeed which Caused / if known ...)
On this screen, you have to shout to do anything required under normal circumstances automatically after 30 seconds, will also continue as they are all selected.

What Was Removed:
Especially that I specify them all, one at sormayalim.
''In the name of the CD format, as the number active in participating in the setup as a '' I have not deleted the component. You've deleted only really unnecessary, some old XP folders and doslayaridir standing is unnecessary. Shout Many items are always for the better, is dependent on Unpredictable negativity. Models to be seen as unnecessary (in fact, it's not is redundant even if it is not alone!) Help and support, language support files (100 mb space than on the CD) is a note, I have not deleted the unnecessary!
Sildiklerimin list:
-Passive folders: docs, support, Valueadd, Netfx.
-Manual installation and upgrades.(The format is required to boot your shout to take our and other friends of the Setup.exe file & folders inside)
-Passive components: Sample music, tour, MSN Explorer, Pinball.
-Indexing service and search dog. (Slowing down the computer unusable, and the old component.)
That's all ... Any vulnerability in the way the team is almost exactly a shout arise XP / maximizing, is really only the necessity to save space I deleted or non-dependence.

I promise some pictures from the visual. We know that the classic version, no need to view the standard XP.(Of course then to be selected but the only difference is that different themes, and note the new version of the visual theme is a view you will see below)

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